Today while my car was at an intersection, the signal turned green and I started moving my car forward. Just as my car reached the center of the intersection a taxi came flying by; I was lucky to stop the car in time otherwise it would have been a disaster.

I have been seeing this since I was a child. My oldest memory of Ramzan is when I was going home from school, hardly 5 years old, and two drivers were fighting with each other. Over the years I would see many sights like this. It would always make me wonder, what is the point?

We are supposed to fast, so we can be patient, so we can learn to understand the needs of the needy. It is not an exercise in staying hungry! It is not an exercise in staying thirsty. It is an exercise to learn to be patient and to be steadfast.

Yet, what is our typical Roza? People abuse, people fight, people use Roza as an excuse to be dishonest in their work. People cite Roza as the reason they can’t do things they are responsible for. People use Roza as an excuse. An excuse to abuse, an excuse to break laws and an excuse to justify actions which are plain wrong.

Allah didn’t intend Roza for this. So, do everyone a favor don’t keep Roza if you are going to do all this. Because this is not what Roza is for! If your Roza is going to do more harm than good! Trust me, Allah doesn’t want your Roza!

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